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New Laws 2024

AB 268

In response to reports revealing deaths and poor treatment in detention facilities throughout the state, AB 268 requires, by July 1, 2024, the Board of State and Community Corrections to develop and adopt regulations that improve the health and safety of incarcerated individuals in all detention facilities. Two new members will also be added to the Board on July 1, 2024 - a licensed health care provider and a licensed mental or behavioral health care provider.

AB 317

AB 317 requires a health plan to reimburse pharmacists for all of clinical work they perform within their scope of practice including, performing strep throat and urinary tract infection tests. Before AB 317, pharmacists were only being reimbursed for the dispensing of drugs.

AB 611

AB 611 requires a local educational agency to notify parents of any change in a school’s certification status, such as a suspension or revocation of certification, within two weeks of becoming aware of the change.

AB 1138

AB 1138 require CSUs and UCs to provide, or contract with local rape crisis centers students to provide, confidential transportation to and from a local Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) or Sexual Abuse Response Team (SART) exam center to receive an exam after sexual assault or abuse.

AB 1241

AB 1241 ensures that there is one standard of care – regardless of income or Medi-Cal eligibility – for individuals to access telehealth services. Requirements, that were set to go into effect on January 1, 2024, would have created a separate, administratively burdensome standard for providers to offer telehealth services to Medi-Cal patients, different from when the provider offers the same in-person services.

AB 1327 (this bill was signed last year, but doesn’t go into effect until 2025)

AB 1327 requires, by January 1, 2025, the California Department of Education, in consultation with community organizations that represent the interests of ethnic groups and communities of color, to develop a standardized incident form to track hate violence and hazing incidents that occur at high school sporting games or sporting events and post results on their internet website.

Additionally it requires the California Interscholastic Federation to report to the Legislature on the health and safety of pupils, coaches, officials, spectators, including racial discrimination and harassment every 7 years.

AB 1466

AB 1466 requires local educational agencies to post data on their websites, on the physical or mechanical restraint and seclusion of students. This information was already reported to the Department of Education, but AB 1466 provides greater accessibility and transparency for families.

AB 1701

AB 1701 allows the California Department of Public Health to allocate funding for the Perinatal Equity Initiative directly to local health jurisdictions, which includes both city and county health departments, rather than limiting the funding to only county health departments.


Bills I Co-Authored

AB 322 (Mathis) Commencing no later than the 2025 academic year, ensures that each veteran and member of the National Guard is provided with information on the available resources and services, such as counseling, that the CSU or community college that they are attending has to offer.

AB 360 (Gipson) - Provides that "excited delirium" is not a validly recognized medical diagnosis or cause of death in this state. It would further prohibit coroners and medical examiners from listing it as a cause of death on a death certificate or autopsy report, and make it inadmissible as evidence in civil actions. The term is generally attributed to sudden unexplained deaths of individuals while in police custody, which may be used as a justification for excessive police force

SB 3 (Dodd) – Ensures that all Californians served by community water systems can maintain access to water by requiring systems, on or after August 1, 2024 to provide notice in several languages, to customers and an opportunity to enroll in a payment plan prior to shutting off water for nonpayment.

SB 234 (Portantino) - Requires stadiums, concert venues, and amusement parks to maintain unexpired doses of an opioid antagonist on its premises and ensure that at least two employees are aware of the location and provides indemnification

SB 487 (Atkins) - Provides additional protections for health care providers by prohibiting health plans and insurers from discriminating or taking adverse actions against providers who are subjected to civil, criminal or professional license actions solely because they are providing reproductive health care services – including abortions and gender affirming care – in another state that prohibits or restricts the service.