2025-2026 Legislation

The Working For Families Legislative Package
Dr. LaShae Sharp-Collins, 79th Assembly District

Welcome to the Working For Families Legislative Package.

As your Assemblymember, I am dedicated to passing legislation that addresses the challenges working families face and ensures that everyone has the opportunity to thrive. This legislative package focuses on strengthening our communities, promoting economic justice, expanding access to critical resources, and ensuring that no family is left behind.

The bills outlined here reflect my commitment to improving the lives of all Californians, particularly those in the 79th Assembly District. These initiatives are aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty, supporting education and workforce development, promoting safety, and protecting public health. Explore the details of each bill and learn more about the steps we're taking to build a more just and equitable future.

Download the full AD79 Bill Package Summary, or individual bill fact sheets by clicking bill titles below.

Bill Package Summary:

AB 766: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access (DEIA) Strategic Plans
State departments will be required to undertake a racial equity review of upcoming regulations, ensuring that qualified DEIA coordinators oversee the process.

AB 785: Community Violence Reduction
Funds from future prison closures will be redirected to permanently support community programs aimed at reducing violence and addressing the school-to-prison pipeline.

AB 802: Youth Hunger in Juvenile Facilities
A regular survey of youth nutrition in juvenile detention facilities will be mandated to ensure proper oversight of conditions for youth in custody.

AB 829: Parkinson's Disease Research Fund
A new fund will be established to support vital medical research on Parkinson's disease, improving the lives of those affected and furthering the search for a cure.

AB 847: Law Enforcement Oversight Commissions
Law enforcement oversight commissions will gain the authority to access necessary records, enabling them to more effectively investigate misconduct within the force.

AB 860: County Office of Education Oversight
County Offices of Education will receive new tools to provide more meaningful equity data within Local Control Accountability Plans, increasing transparency in educational practices.

AB 901: Military Spouse Preferential Status
Spouses of active-duty military personnel will be eligible for hiring preferences and additional credits for state civil service exams, easing their transition into the workforce.

AB 927: Williams Inspections
The deadline for annual school inspections will be extended to the 8th week of the school year, recognizing the increased workload on schools following the COVID-19 pandemic.

AB 958: CSU Board of Trustees
The Governor will be required to appoint an additional faculty member to the CSU Board of Trustees, ensuring better faculty representation.

AB 987: Towing Fees
Californians will be better protected from unreasonable towing fees, as new regulations aim to ensure fair practices are followed statewide.

AB 1027: Cannabis Testing
The Department of Cannabis Control will be granted the authority to oversee cannabis product testing, further enhancing consumer protection and product safety.

AB 1100: Victim Compensation Board Access
The list of crime victims eligible for compensation from the Victim Compensation Board will be expanded, ensuring broader access to support for victims in need.

AB 1148: Safer Food Packaging
The sale and manufacturing of food packaging containing chemicals linked to an increased risk of breast cancer will be prohibited, promoting safer products for consumers.

AB 1211: CalFresh Eligibility
Protections for CalFresh benefits will be strengthened, safeguarding these essential resources from potential federal cuts and exploring ways to expand benefits and eligibility.

AB 1279: Youth Three Strike Reform
Judicial discretion will be granted to allow for the undoing of sentence enhancements for youth offenders who did not receive a jury trial, ensuring fairness in the legal system.

AB 1324: CalWORKs Eligibility
Access to CalWORKs benefits will be expanded to include self-employed workers, those working over 100 hours, and individuals advocating for better labor conditions, with a focus on lifting families out of poverty.

AB 1371: Right to Refuse Unsafe Work Conditions
Workers will gain the right to refuse unsafe work without fear of retaliation, ensuring that they can voice concerns about health and safety violations while still receiving full pay.

AB 1411: Voter Education
Counties that haven't expanded election access will be required to provide a Voter Education and Outreach Plan, improving voter knowledge of candidates and local measures.

AB 1433: Community College Funding
Funding will be allocated to Continuing Education Centers, helping to provide essential resources like food and housing, support for students with disabilities, and mental health services.

AB 1254: Government Spot Bill
This is a vehicle for future legislative proposals that will be introduced as the session progresses.

AB 1477: Government Spot Bill 2
Another vehicle for future legislative proposals, allowing for additional bills to be introduced at a later date.

Stay Engaged:

Your feedback is vital to the work I do, and I encourage you to stay involved as we move forward. Together, we can create lasting change in our communities and continue to work toward an even brighter future for all families in California.

For more information, please contact my offices:

Capitol Office: 916.319.2079
District Office: 619.456.7903


Capitol Office:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0079
Tel: (916) 319-2079
Fax: (916) 319-2179

District Office:
4700 Spring Street, Suite 301
La Mesa, CA 91942
Tel: (619) 465-7903
Fax: (619) 465-7909